Land Banks and Realtors: Navigating the Sale of Affordable Housing
Learn how land banks and realtors can work together to overcome challenges in selling affordable housing. This webinar will address common obstacles realtors face when navigating restrictions tied to state programs and explore how land banks can support these efforts and effectively collaborate with realtors. Featuring experienced professionals from both fields, this session will provide practical insights and real-world examples of collaboration that make affordable housing more accessible. Whether you’re a realtor, land bank staff member, or housing advocate, this webinar will offer valuable perspectives and strategies to apply in your work. |
Introduction to Brownfield Funding and Redevelopment
This webinar will explore ways to convert brownfield sites into valuable assets and learn how that process fits into existing funding opportunities. Learn to prioritize projects for maximum impact in FY24 and FY25, untangle financial mysteries, and equip yourself with essential knowledge on environmental assessments, funding applications, and regulatory compliance. This is an excellent opportunity for you to learn more about brownfield redevelopment. |
How to Turn a brownfield into a solar field
Are you wondering how to deal with new brownfields in your inventory. In that case, this is the perfect time to learn how to remediate them (process and funding), what to do with them for community benefit (clean, solar energy), and maybe even make money from the project for the next 25 years. It's an elegant approach to necessary remediation and finding the best use of your land. Hear from experts as well as your Ohio peers who are already doing it. |
Strategies for Ohio's Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program
Join us for an insightful webinar featuring Adam Stalder, Director of Community Stabilization at Cuyahoga County Land Bank, and Alex Iarocci, Executive Director of Ashtabula County Land Bank. They will share their experience and strategies for successfully implementing the Ohio Department of Development's Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program. As the program's guidelines are soon to be released, this webinar will provide valuable insights into how both rural and urban counties can identify properties, prioritize them, submit applications, and navigate the various aspects of the program. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from their experiences and gain a deeper understanding of the program's implementation process. |
Land Bank Legal Authorities
First, your county land bank’s Hardest Hit Fund allocation dried up. Next, the federal 6th Circuit gets all up in your direct transfers via expedited tax foreclosures. Now, you’re left wondering, what is my next move? What are my options going forward? What’s left? We’ll provide the answer: everything. We’ll cover county land banks’ powers as community improvement corporations under Ohio law (R.C. Chapter 1724), and their unique implementing role of Ohio’s land banking statutes (R.C. Chapter 5722)… none of which rely on - or even reference - direct transfers! This session will review the full array of authorities vested in county land banks by the Ohio General Assembly. We’ll leave you with a sunnier disposition than before the session started – county land banks have much to do, even with a funding stream having ended and a courtroom setback or two. |
Regionalizing and Managing Rural Land Banks
Ohio now has more rural county land banks than any other, and these organizations have needs and opportunities that are different from their urban colleagues. Utilizing the expertise of the Maumee Valley Planning Organization, which assists five rural counties with their land banks in northwest Ohio, learn how important program systems have been built and the value of partnerships that have been formed. Even better, learn lessons from other land banks that have gone first and how those efforts can be opportunities for rural communities throughout Ohio. |
An Innovative Approach to Affordable Housing
Hope Paxton with Central Ohio Community Improvement Corporation (COCIC), the managing entity of the Franklin County Land Bank, and Rebecca Caprini of Cap City Collaborative will be the presenters of this month's OLBA Webinar Series. They will discuss their innovative approaches to affordable housing, from identifying builders and bridging the finance gap to lessons learned through building structural insulated panel housing. This webinar will provide an understanding of the importance of affordable housing and discuss how COCIC pursues projects that make high-quality homes accessible and affordable for all. Don't miss this chance to learn first-hand how COCIC and Cap City Collaborative are reshaping their community. |
Deed-in-Escrow Program: Everything you Need to Know
Increasing homeownership and creating opportunities for your residents to have affordable housing options are the cornerstone of the Deed-in-Escrow Program. Investing in your communities through buyer renovated housing programs provide residents the opportunity to be invested in their home and neighborhoods, assist in turning eyesore properties into assets and gives residents almost immediate equity in their homes. This month we will take a deep dive into the buyer renovated housing programs of Trumbull and Lucas counties and the impact that such a program has had in their communities. |
Utilizing Parcel Level Inventory to Plan for the Future
In this month's webinar, Isaac Robb from Western Reserve Land Conservancy and Matt Martin from Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership will discuss the importance of performing parcel level inventories in the City of Cleveland and City of Warren respectively. They will explain how collecting data on structures and vacant lots can help stakeholders make informed decisions and plan for the future of their neighborhoods. Additionally, Isaac will cover the information that can be tracked, while Matt will explain how Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership and Trumbull County Land Bank use property survey data to secure resources, engage residents, and rebuild neighborhoods. |