Jacqui Knettel is Executive Assistant to both the Cuyahoga Land Bank 's President and its Chief Operating Officer. Jacqui helped create many of the systems currently in place at the Cuyahoga Land Bank including office management, Property Profile System, records management system and the tax foreclosure affidavit management system. Under Jacqui’s watch, the staff at the Cuyahoga Land Bank grew from the initial nine people to an office of thirty. Jacqui expertly administers the Cuyahoga Land Bank's HR affairs and Employee Manual for this growing staff. In attending and administering the quarterly Board meetings of the Cuyahoga Land Bank, Jacqui is Assistant Secretary to the Board. Jacqui has 16 years of legal secretarial experience, office management, classroom management as well as 6 years of executive assisting. When not assisting with the day-to-day management of the Cuyahoga Land Bank, you can find Jacqui running the trails in the Cuyahoga National Park, watching a baseball game with her son or taking in the cultural arts around northeast Ohio with her daughter.